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Our first playtesting, the beginning of the Tower Attack

Last Wednesday in Madrid, all the people who wanted could try the Lunarpunk experience


The Walking Octopus Games team had the chance to present our Tower Attack: Lunarpunk experience to the public for the first time.

In this special PlayStation space, attendees were able to test a limited version of the game so that our partners from the design department were able to take note of all the feedback we received from the players. A great way to help the development of the videogame and the perception that people have of our project.

We were able to give away all kinds of things to the assistants, from sweets to cards with our main social networks of the studio and the videogame. An experience that certainly has left us wanting more and wanting to keep improving for the next event that will take place on April 20th, so stay tuned to our social networks and don't miss any detail of anything.

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